Step 5 : Click on Export - Step 6 : Save the file on the SD Card. Step 4.b : Uncheck Auto and Choose the desired Interface mode.
How to convert a disk image for the SD HxC Floppy Emulator? - Step 1 : Start the software - Step 2 : Click on the button Load - Step 3 : Choose your disk image Once done the disk image is loaded into the software Note: The disk image can also be loaded by a simple drag & drop on the main window! of 17ĩ - Step 4 : (Optional) Change the default floppy interface mode - Step 4.a : Click on SD HxC Floppy Emulator settings. Note : A simplified version of this DOS image browser is available here : download/floppy_drive_emulator/hxcfe_dosdiskbrowser.zip This software can be copied to the root of the SD Card and allows you a fast & easy access to your files. Note : If no file/folder is selected, the whole content of the floppy disk image will be extracted. Once done the files are present into the target directory. of 17ħ - Step 4 : Click on «Disk Browser» You should be able to see the files & folder present in the image : - Step 5 : Select the file(s)/folder(s) to get and press Get Files - Step 6 : Choose a place on your computer to save the select file(s)/folder(s). Step 2.b : Uncheck Auto and choose the desired Interface mode. How to create a DOS disk image and add some files to this image? - Step 1 : Start the software - Step 2 :(Optional) Change the default floppy interface mode - Step 2.a : Click on SD HxC Floppy Emulator settings. This Step by Step guide intend to describe some basic tasks. This tool can be downloaded there : download/floppy_drive_emulator/hxcfloppyemulator_soft.zip This software is available on Windows, MacOS X (x86) and Linux machines. Since this tool is working at the floppy track level, it support all standard and non-standard/custom floppy disk format/layout. Add/Read/Remove files from a DOS floppy disk image. Read your floppy disks and generate disk images. Batch convert a large quantity of disk images. General description The HxC Floppy Emulator software allows you to : - Load/convert a large diversity of disk image types. General de scription How to create a DOS disk image and add some files to this image? How to get files from a DOS disk image? How to convert a disk image for the SD HxC Floppy Emulator? How to convert a RAW disk image for the SD HxC Floppy Emulator? How to batch convert a large quantity of disk image s? How to make a disk image from a floppy disk? Supported disk image s HxC Floppy Emulator Software User Guide Disclaimer of 17ģ 1. The Polish hardware developer Lotharek offers the SD Floppy Emulator on his website for € 75,- He also offers a USB Floppy Emulator, which seems to offer functionality similar to the Nowind interface.1 HxC Floppy Emulator Software Step by Step Guide of 17Ģ Summary: 1.
As an added bonus, the hardware upgrade is small enough to actually replace an original disk drive, keeping your MSX as compact as possible. Disk images can be selected with three buttons (previous, select/eject, next) and information on the current selection is displayed on a 2x16 char LCD screen. The device is capable of emulating two floppy disk drives, supports SDHC cards of up to 32GB, FAT32 and a multitude of different disk image formats.

Jean Francois Del Nero has developed an SD Floppy Emulator, which connects directly to the 34pin Floppy Drive cable that is fitted in many classic (personal) computers, including MSX. There is only one downside, however, as these interfaces always come at the expense of one cartridge slot. All of these storage devices offer more storage space, are much faster than floppy disks and are generally less prone to failure.

Many active MSX users around the wold have extended their MSX computers with SCSI or IDE harddisks, Compact Flash or SD/MMC interfaces.